Data Storage and Security Strategies: Cyberstorage vs. Backups

Is it time to invest in Cyberstorage? Download the guide. 

When it comes to protections against a data breach or cyberattack, cyberstorage provides a proactive, integrated, and efficient approach to data protection.  

Here are 7 advantages cyberstorage offers over every backup solution when it comes to protecting data from cyberattacks: 

  1. Proactive defense: Cyberstorage actively monitors and defends against threats in real time, whereas backup solutions are typically reactive and only come into play after an attack has occurred. 
  2. Early detection and blocking: Cyberstorage systems are designed to detect and block attacks early, preventing them from causing significant damage. This includes identifying and stopping ransomware before it can encrypt data. 
  3. Integrated security features: Cyberstorage platforms often come with built-in security measures such as encryption, anti-malware, and data integrity checks, providing a comprehensive security solution that goes beyond what traditional backups offer. 
  4. Reduced reliance on backups: By protecting data at the source, cyberstorage reduces the need to rely solely on backups for data recovery. This means that even if an attack occurs, the primary data remains secure and accessible.  
  5. Reduce complexity: Cyberstorage with immutable snapshots, replication, and vaulting can reduce the number of solutions required to implement a secure disaster recovery architecture. 
  6. Faster recovery: In the event of an attack, cyberstorage solutions offer specialized recovery tools that help quickly restore data, minimizing downtime and ensuring business continuity. Recovery from snapshots is orders of magnitude faster than restoring from backups. 
  7. Cyber resilience: Backup solutions rely on recovery and restoration of primary data from backups. Cyberstorage blocks malicious activities and prevents interruptions in data availability for approved data operations. 

Disaster recovery architectures and backup solutions are critical to protecting data from natural disasters like hurricanes and fire. But they are ineffective at defending against man-made threats like a cyberattack. 

Will your backup software protect your organization against data theft? See how the solutions compare:

FeaturesBackup SolutionsCyberstorage
Proactive defense of primary dataNoYes
Early detection and blockingNoYes
Stops data theftNoYes
Integrated security featuresNoYes
Reliance on backupsYesPartial or reduced reliance
Automated remediation and recoveryNoYes
Rapid recoveryNoYes
Cyber resilienceNoYes

At RackTop, we’ve got you covered. We can protect data stored on BrickStor against any threat. 

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